Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Long run relationship…

I found this topic on TOI :-

While attraction is enough to bring two people close to each other, what happens when they discover each other's personality traits - does it lead to a dent in the relationship or do these minor differences help the couple to complete each other? Do couples who are completely opposite to each other make a better match in the long run? Can a relationship survive personality differences? Or is it wise to select a partner who is similar to you?

Here is my views :-

I don't think so that attraction is enough to bring two people close to each other. Though they attracted towards each other for some time but after knowing each other attitude, ideas towards life, behavior towards situations, thoughts towards any thing or any point, they can easily judge that they are totally different from each other but they don't want to accept it, if they are in love. But after some time they realize that it was only affection of opposite sex, nothing else. In this type of situations a healthy and happy relationship is not possible for long term. Because after some time they are unable to understand that why this person (he/she) is behaving like this and why he/she is not thinking in the same manner as he/she does. In this situation they gets frustrated and this kind of relationship gives fight, tension, frustration and guilt only.

In this situation it is advisable that happily apart from each other, pray good future for each other, when ever he/she wants your favour always try best for him/her and keep contact as a good and faithful friend.

If the differences are minor then only couple can complete each other by overtaking or being responsible for other person's attitude and they can try to understand each other. Because it is true that no one is prefect , no one has all the good qualities , no one is ideal . Every body has some positive things and some negative things . You are the person who can see the positive side of that person and try to overcome negative side. It is the matter of vision. But yes some time it is true that, few person has 80% or 90% good qualities that time he/she should be really Ideal, Ideal for any body and in any situation, but after all he/she is a human being, so some bad qualities must be inside him/her . So leave that bad part always.

Couples who are completely opposite to each other they never make a better match in the long run. Relationship can't survive personality differences. That is why... it is wise to select a partner who is similar to you in mental level and maturity level too. His/her perception towards life and lifestyle should be same. Only that time a relationship will be happy and healthy for long run.

1 comment:

"अ-जय" said...

Hi Nidhi,

I do agree with you, that a person who matches the both level(maturity & mental) should be an ideal match for each other..rather neglecting this very significant aspect of life by doing some hour's job for own purpose and then denying from everything when his/her purpose is solved.

Pn: small grammatical mistakes,otherwise all went in a fine tune.