Thursday, August 20, 2009

Being Single

When ever this word comes in my mind, I ask so many question to myself.

1)What is the meaning of Being Single?
2)You have a boyfriend or girlfriend, even then you call yourself Single?
3)How long can anybody be single?

I have got different answer for these questions.

1)What is the meaning of being single?

If you live alone, “Alone” means you don't have any friend (neither male nor female),if you can not share your feelings with anyone (neither with older nor with younger) it means you are single. If you have a friend & if you share your all feelings, how could any one be single?

2)You have a boyfriend or girlfriend, even then you call yourself Single?

If you have a boyfriend or girlfriend, with him/her you can share all your feelings, with him/her you make relationship mental & physical. Then how can you say that you are single. Just because you have not married. It's not fair.

3)How long can anybody be single?

If you think that “Being Single” means “Not Getting Married”, So how long can anyone be single? Many people say that Being Single is the best part of life. Trust me they just say like that. But they themselfs want to become Double as early as possible. Have become Double through either getting boyfriend or girlfriend or by getting Married. Is that true? Yes it is. Though the way will be different to become double.

Singles always ready to Mingle. They always look for a partner who loves, cares & gives respect. For Boys partner should take care of all his needs & for girls partner should furnish safe & secure future to her.

That's the biggest truth of life. Tough you live your life as single, these thought always comes in your mind. Whether You accept it or not. After certain age when you think, you have achieved all those things you wished for, that time you realize you should have your partner. When you see your friends or your relatives who have happy married life that time you wish for partner. Am I right? Yes I am.

This is life, no body can deny the basic need of human being, either it is mental, social or physical. You have to find someone with whom you can spend your whole life. Neither friends nor relatives can stay life long with you. They have their own world, family, liabilities & duties. No one can stop their life for you. So you have to become Double. You can live & enjoy single life as long as you want, after certain time you should be Double.

For Single star Mingel & take your time to be Double. Best Wishes & Blessings From Nidhi.


Journalist said...

hi nidhi ji,
only for your information

please must read snageeta puri ji blog.
for comment on your english blogging.

WayPositive said...

Good one.

Zabi said...

hmmm. you have the knowledge of the dynamics of relation ships.. nice article..